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I am the piano/violin player, creative partner , and songstress of This Way to the Egress. I have set up this blog to document the whereabout, whoseawhats, travels, trials and tribulations of our journey. It is This Way to my Story............

Thursday, December 6, 2012


I've spent some time recently taking things out of boxes and putting them away in our new band home,...'The Egress Inn.' Yet all of this organization hasn't helped when it comes to building a brand for the band. I can talk for hours and hours about myself,.. who I am,. what i do,. where i hope to go,...what I feel, what i believe,.who i love, etc. However when it comes to defining our band I am at a bit of a loss. A total loss. I keep coming to we love each other, we love music and we love to play and perform with each other,... it is Such an amazing thing this connection we have,.... yet that is not enough in the business world. We certainly aren't looking to be millionaires or even to take this world by storm we just want to be free to create and continue to gather a fan base to revel in what we do,....all of this takes time and money,... and that where this business comes in.
    Fronting/ co- Fronting, running a band is Just like a business, it consumes my brain about 90% of my day. Band mates can practice, learn their parts, contribute when they can and then go home to their lovers, jobs, or whatever they do when they aren't being scalded by Taylor and Myself to "practice" "show-up" "stay focused" blah blah blah.,...  they don't have to carry the weight of keeping everything going, AND recording, writing, creating, booking, promoting, writing their parts or even more importantly building a stronger momentum so that we can all continue to have this outlet and opportunities.

  Its like a drug,.... I thought I got sober three years ago however, this is just equally as mind bending. The Highs, the traveling,. the interesting people we meet, the experiences we share,the rush of the show,the exhaustion and crash after a good tour, the late night nights and delirious mornings. all so we can create more,. build more, study more, see more, travel more, sing More MOre MORe MORE!!!

I have an arsenal of musician friends, artist friends and i have my band mates,..... but we are artists,... thats perhaps my point,... how does an artist that is not inherently a business minded person,.... put together a good business strategy for something they are more then just financially invested in,.... but emotionally dating, much like a lover.

    I am grateful everyday for mine and Taylor's relationship,... somehow after all this time we have balanced,... a relationship,. creative partnership,. and business relationship,... however he is JUST as emotionally invested in Egress as I. Where do musicians go in their brain to disconnect the two enough to know how to promote and market themselves and their troupe properly?

I am excited, curious and even a bit anxious to see where these new ideas take us, perhaps ill then find some answers,..... or turn enough rocks that i start asking the right questions.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's all a trap. Maybe... just keep trying to stay connected with your fans: post the blogs, photos, videos, put on great shows and play great music, and everything else will fall into place.

    I spent several years more concerned about branding myself instead of making good art, when, the good art ends up becoming my image. Being myself becomes my image. I almost despise branding, while understanding it's importance, because I feel like the moment I try to sum up what I do and how my image looks, I'm trapped in a hole.

    A secondary solution.... find/make some business minded friends?
